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Genesis ios concept[]

Un consensus perambht nundiens, yeji quodkwe mayn, id concept om menscenrects in democratias, nu-yod se manifestend tant med id official action quem med id multiplication om associations ed non-gouvernemental organisations. Tod consensus deict od ya leit de un essential sul os moderne politic ethique.

Id affirmation iom menscenrects kwehct ka id riawdals, ye id end ios XVIIIt secule, uns long process quos origins dehlgent ses paursct in id Christian definition al mensc person.

Pre id inkapem os christianisme, id antique men, quod justificit Sclaverie ed ne iey ka fundamental id egal decos vasyen adams, hat rar-ye bitolken med tod giokien id probleme os ieustet, esdi certain philosophic movments (Stoicisme, cynisme) postuleer quanten egalitat ka mund civs. Roman ieus hat albatta trens kye universalisation sub id Imperium, bet bad ab id IIIt secule pos JC. Punor, Saint Paul yant id 1sto secule (Epistel im Galats) ed, serter, ies Paters ios Kyrk hant postulet id egalitat im menscen ed ielganghens rect ad diwides sekwent sien conscience un khabis magh.

Unte hol Mediev, vocs hant baht in occidental christiandem kay affirme menscenlure; ye id XIVt secule, is Englisch theolog Wilhelm os Ockham hat skizzet, ka prest, un theoria os moderne natural ieus. Yed samt id Reformation, ye id XVIt secule, bihnt jects preciser. Dastureihnd-ye gwis-ye id egalitat vasyen menscen ant Div, antplehcend-ye un ethique ios massoulia os swomaimourascen, calviniste protestantisme insist id swobodia'l Individu ed uno megil protestant juriste, is Nederlander Grotius, enuncet in 1625 od el ensan hat albatta dohlgs, yedschi imprescriptible rects.

Ies Englisch puritan parlamentarians quoy, ye id sam zaman, affirme face Charles 1st ia rects im subjects ies representent, ne sayge alyo ject. In tod sense, ia Englisch Revolutions ios XVIIt secule skeipe un essential nischan in id elaboration ios concept. Kweter med ia proclamations qua prepare id 1640 Grand Rebellion (1620 Petition of Rights, 1641 Grand Remonstrance), dind, pos id 1660 Restauration, id vote ab id Parlament ios 1679 Habeas Corpus quod bant cada arbitrair detention au huckem, we bilhassa med id institutionalisation ios Rectstat inherent ei 1688 Revolution, England definieiht tun un nov type os sibia inter el individu ed id magh : id invent el moderne civ.

Ids philosophs kwehrnt idso theoria, Hobbes (1588-1679) ed bilhassa Locke (1632-1704), oino iom dehtors os liberalisme. In sien dwoter Treatise of Government (1690), senter clarpont id existence om inalienable natural rects : existe, ses leur, aygwe wesus. Tos consequence est od nimen poitt bihe supodehn aun sien consens, od taatia dia uno magh est un contractual, yani revocable, gwayt. Menxu Bossuet (1627-1704), in France, justifiet Absolutisme sigwrnd-ye od "el mensc hat gnaht kay ses subject", Locke bewehkwt est neid legitim magh sonst tod confern ab id consens tim qui ei sont submitten ed od ia natural rects limite id Statswaldh.


Tienjien drucken iom prest lignen ios US Declaration os Independence

Id aiwo iom Declarations[]

Unte id hol XVIIIt secule, id philosophia iom Lumens vaht decline ta themes, udleitend id Britisch quader quod eet dar tod os Locke kay beghabe ia samt un tienxia schaecheing. Creen in id Uniet Roydemos 1720, frankmassonrie vaht contribute ad diffundes ia. Unte id senst quardel ios secule, vahnt adduce do id formulation ios concept om menscenrects kam gnohmos nundiens.

I Britisch colons os America insurrecti contra id materland sont i presti qui se referent ei, tant in id skaun texte ios Declaration os Independence ios 4 Jul 1776 quem id meteoric hajou os Paine The Common Sense, paruen ye id sam yar. Id concept wardht ye id prest ker ka un solenn werden in id Virginia Declaration of Rights, redagen ab Mason. Id pregent med sien spirit id Constitution iom Uniet Stats os America os 1787.

Bet, dwo yars serter in Versailles, in August 1789, biht id formulen decisive-ye ab iens franceois constituants. Id Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen, concisionspuyku, legislatend pro hol menscgenos, uper rewos ed wakt, est oino iom dehtortexten os moderne mund. Garantiend personal lure, samberectia, vetat, salvtat, id legitimet id resistence contra waurg ed dastureiht ka inalienable id rect om credihes, mehne, wehkwe leudher-ye.

Le Barbier Dichiarazione dei diritti dell'uomo

1789 artistic kip ios Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen. Id est un sultexte ios Franceois Revolution, quod enuncet un ensemble om natural individual rects ed ia conditions irs enover. Idsa senst articles buir widta dien 26 August 1789. Id Declaration est oino iom tri texten preceddend id preambule ios Franceois Constitution ios 4 October 1958. Ids constitutional wirt est recogneihneut ab id Franceois Constitutional Concil pon 1971. Idsghi bewehkwens sont part os franceois positive ieus, ed sont yinjier ids hogst normes.

Qualg rects ?[]

Ia XIXt ed XXt secules plautereihnt id concept. Id 1789 Déclaration bezielit pre quant swekwehre im individus, sub id garantie ios Stat, id leudher behanden em seswo ed os ir vetat : lit ghi de "lure-rects", de "rects os". Tibs vahnt ses addihn "rects ad" (mathalan, rect ad orbat, pace, culture), present in id Tienxia Declaration om Menscenrects votet ab id Uniet Nations Organisation (UNO) id 1948. Ta sont deulgen-rects, betrehvend moinis, wesus, services, qua ghehde bihe postulet ne tik id garantie ab id Stat, sontern idsschi intervention.

Tetos resulted, ye id XXt secule, un certain confusion in id definition iom menscenrects ye kweter biht refern tei ios XVIIIt secule, os liberal ed individualiste inspiration, we tei, serter, os etatiste inspiration. Denuncend in dwoter id naudhe os impones ne bad-ye tyict rects, muassir liberals vident ter id risk om totalitaira drifts menxu alyi, se refernd ibs critiques oiswohrt yant 1844 ab Marx (Zur Judenfrage), accuse preter ob id obstahiet un asli emancipation al mensc sakereihnd-ye individual egoisme.

Criticabler kwehct punor id muassir mutalba om categorical rects (rects ias gwen, al magv, iom gospoti, iom sexual minoritats). Irghi manifestation pont un sulprobleme : sei obkwehct necessar denunce ia, est ob ia menscenrects kam formulen iti ne implient ia, yani od senters ne hant id universal dimension iskwn ex ia. Tod suwal joint alyo : qualg validitatsdegree poittmos wey exspecte, bi ne cultural-ye europay folks, ex un concept elaboren ed enformen ab Occident ?


Eleanor Roosevelt, vidv os US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ed perodhsedd ios UN Commission de Menscerects, dehrjt id Espaniol version ios Tienxia Declaration om Menscenrects. Tod Declaration buit widen ab id UN General Assemblee dien 10 December 1948 in id Palais de Chaillot, Paris. Id bewehkwt ia fundamentalrects al Mensc. Aun druv dikschaecheingo ka talg, tod texte hat tik id wirt uns rectenproclamation.

Menscenrects ed tienxia kweitu[]

Ter wehst oino iom megil debats ios actual mund : kwe ia menscenrects hant tienxia wirt ? Id Historia ios elaboration ios concept om menscenrects deict ouvert-ye id occidental - eti Christian - origin tos dayi. Neter id Islami civilisation, quod privileget id umum im muaminen ed apolinkwt dusfiders ed pagans, ni id Hindi civilisation, standbehndend el individu do id iser systeme iom casten, ni id Chinese Confucian tradition tolke de rects inherent ei-pet buhsa'l mensc. Buddha-dharma esiet prokwer to, yed leit meis de universal dabronia quem id dayi uns rect wi al adam ka talg. Unte ta conditions, kwe ne est id tienxia wirt iom menscenrects un illusion os europayocentrisme ? Albatta hat id UNO votet un Déclaration universelle quod tik emsit tsay, plautereihnd-ye id, id XVIIIt concept secule bet in 1948, pre decolonisation, kwe ne eet idso General Assemblee samt akster-ye occidental cultural dominance ? Nundiens, in ia Arab lands, in China, autoritats conteste id pretension, dar kyunggiawt in 1976 ab id Final Act ios Helsinki Conference, os impones id respect iom menscenrects, qua ia presentent ka uno manifestation os cultural imperialisme. Ei opponent ir wi prabhils, recusent in tom nam id lure os religion, id egalitat iom sexen, id rect os conteste id politic magh. In 1981 apparihsit un African Charta iom Rects al Mensc ed iom Folks.

Est legitim bespehce sem objections, bet ye id vid os quo product id refuse os recognihes id tienxia wirt iom dasturs mathmount in id 1948 Declaration, bihmos anter tente ab suspece ter id vol os nadurihes udzamanen politic ed social systemes we id kaur de refuse cada progress kyun democratic functionment. Dalg ud vide in ia menscenrects un deursia os destruction ios Chinese civilisation, i pamrlanend studyents ios Tian An Men meithel, in 1989, buweer ta dasturs id magn argument irs movment.
